Zirconium Dental Veneers

Zirconium Dental Veneers are made by our specialist physicians at an affordable price. Dental veneers are usually in the form of porcelain. Dental veneers are generally divided into two. These; metal-supported and metal-free. The most important feature of people after dental health is their aesthetic smiles. People have dental treatment for an aesthetic smile. For this reason, dentists use aesthetic treatment methods. One of the treatments that people want to use for an aesthetic smile is zirconium tooth coating. Zirconium is a substance used to make white-colored teeth.

Zirconium is processed into zirconia ceramics. Zirconium dental veneers are used because they offer a natural appearance. Zirconium is in the class of metal-free coatings. It provides a more natural appearance than metals. As Zirconium Dental Veneer, we make zirconium veneers that will provide a more natural appearance to our valued customers.

What are the advantages of zirconium dental crown?

We are making a veneer that will provide the advantages of Zirconium Dental Veneer tooth veneer. The reason why zirconium tooth coating is preferred is that it has certain advantages. Since the zirconium tooth coating has a high light permeability, it does not create a darkening on the gums. In addition, there is no black discoloration on the edge of the gingiva, which is found in other metal coatings in zirconium. Zirconium Tooth Coating provides the best image close to normal thanks to its light transmission feature. A transparent and healthy appearance emerges in the zirconium crown. This coating does not have a matte appearance. Zirconium Tooth Veneer provides an aesthetic and natural appearance and positively affects gingival health. Zirconium Tooth Veneer is healthier because it is more compatible with the gums. In addition, zirconium is less likely to have gum disease than other metal coatings.

Zirconium Dental Veneer is an ideal dental treatment especially for patients who are allergic to metal. People who use Zirconium Dental Veneers do not have hot and cold sensitivity. Zirconium is more durable than metal coatings and is mostly preferred for anterior teeth. Zirconium does not cause bad breath in people and also does not cause gum problems. Another feature of zirconium is that it does not cause taste changes in the mouth. As Zirconium Tooth Veneer, you can contact us to get information so that your teeth can have a natural and more aesthetic appearance.

Zirconium Dental Veneer

Zirconium Dental Veneer is one of the most preferred treatment methods by dentists. The reason why dentists prefer this method the most is tissue compatibility. Metal coatings are used more in the past. But today, metal coatings have left their place to zirconium. Due to its aesthetic appearance, zirconium is mostly used in anterior teeth, but it is also used in posterior teeth. Zirconium tooth coating performs processes such as chewing and tearing foods like real teeth. In addition, after the zirconium coating is made, it can be used for many years if attention is paid to tooth and mouth cleaning. In other words, Zirconium tooth coating has the features of being functional and durable. As Zirconium Dental Veneer, we apply functional and durable zirconium tooth veneer treatment.

The Contribution of Zirconium Dental Veneers to Our Teeth and Quality of Life

One of the most important elements of people's mouth and face image is teeth. Individuals use their teeth continuously for many years. For this reason, the appearance and functionality of the teeth is very important. With the zirconium dental veneer treatment, the protection and appearance of the teeth for many years has jumped to another important level. Zirconium tooth coating provides the restoration of the bad image of our teeth. As Zirconium Dental Coating, it provides all the features such as aesthetic smile and durability that zirconium provides. Zirconium makes positive contributions to the lives of individuals and makes them feel psychologically good.

Why is Zirconium Coating Made?

There are many reasons why people do zirconium treatment. Zirconium Dental Veneers are used in the following cases to treat patients:
• Some teeth change color and in cases where this color change cannot be resolved by bleaching, zirconium treatment is applied,
• Zirconium treatment is also applied in case the teeth of the patients are broken or deformed,
• Some teeth may experience tissue loss. The aesthetic stance of the teeth that experience tissue loss is also deteriorated. In these cases, zirconium treatment is applied.

In these cases, the dental problems of the patients are solved by applying zirconium treatment. How long is Zirconium Dental Veneer used or how long does it last? The answer to the questions depends on how the patient uses the dental veneer. The patient should pay attention to his oral and dental health, not to interrupt his treatment and pay attention to his nutrition.

It extends the service life of the Zirconium coating. When we look at the lifetime of Zirconium Dental Veneers in general, there are patients who use it for more than 30 years.

If the patient pays attention to dental care and brushes his teeth regularly, the zirconium crown can be used for many years. Patients should pay attention to the hygiene of the teeth and mouth in order to use the zirconium dental crown for a long time. In addition, patients should not constantly clenching or grinding their teeth. In order to prolong the life of Zirconium Dental Veneers, patients should also reduce their smoking, alcohol and coffee consumption. When the patient uses his teeth by paying attention to these factors, the usage time of the Zirconium Dental Veneer will be long.

Zirconium Coating Prices

One of the most frequently asked questions by people who will make zirconium coatings is how much their price is. Zirconium Tooth Veneer prices do not have an exact price. Because it varies according to the structure of the tooth and the equipment required for its treatment. The prices of Zirconium dental veneers vary depending on factors such as the size of the tooth, the quality of the products used, and the technological opportunities in the dental clinic. For these reasons, you can get detailed price information by calling our Zirconium Dental Veneer clinic and specifying the number of teeth. Zirconium Dental Veneer will be one of your best choices in terms of being durable, providing a natural appearance and having a long service life, although it is costly compared to other veneers.

Is It Painful During Zirconium Coating?

How much pain is felt during Zirconium Dental Veneer? The question is one of the questions that come to the minds of patients. In Zirconium Tooth Veneer, first of all, the tooth to be treated is thinned a little and the measurement is taken. The thinning of the tooth is approximately 1-2 mm. After the measurement of the patient's tooth is taken, the tooth model to be applied in the laboratory is studied on this measurement. At this point, the patient decides on the color and model of the coating by consulting with the specialist doctor. After the patient and the doctor decide on the color and model of the veneer, it is adhered to the thinned teeth with adhesive. This adhesive is a special adhesive used in dental zirconia veneers. During the treatment, local anesthesia is applied while thinning and bonding procedures are performed. For this reason, the patient does not feel any pain.

Hot-cold tooth sensitivity after Zirconium Dental Veneer treatment has not been seen in any of our treatments so far. Even after using the Zirconium Dental Veneer for years, there is no tissue loss.

How Long is the Zirconium Dental Veneer Treatment Process?

The duration of the Zirconium Dental Veneer treatment varies according to the condition of the patient's tooth structure. E.g; In patients who do not have gingival recession or have no gingival problems, the treatment is completed within a week. However, in patients with gingival problems, this period varies according to the healing status of the gingiva. Gum problems must be resolved before Zirconium Dental Veneer treatment is performed.

Are Zirconium Dental Veneers Compatible with Implants?

In the treatment of Zirconium Dental Veneers, the material whose raw material is zirconium is used. The raw material of the implant is titanium. Since the raw materials of Zirconium Dental Veneer and Implant treatment are close to each other, both treatments are used in a healthy and compatible way. During implant treatment, the prosthesis placed on the socket provides gingival compatibility and provides an aesthetically pleasing appearance. In addition to Zirconium Dental Veneer treatment, we also apply Implant treatment successfully and in a way that the two treatments are compatible with each other.

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